06/09/2020 – GOD Takes Care of Moses

Kelas Nursery (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Kel 1:6 – 2:10 Tanggal: 06/09/2020 Ringkasan: Sesudah sekian lama Bangsa Israel tinggal di Mesir, bangkitlah seorang Firaun yang tidak mengenal Joseph (Yusuf) dan jasanya terhadap bangsa Mesir di masa kelaparan 7 tahun itu. Firaun ini merasa kuatir dengan jumlah bangsa Israel yang semakin besar. Untuk menekan laju pertumbuhan bangsa Israel, Firaun memerintahkan …

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06/09/2020 – Paul wrote 13 books of New Testament.

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Romans- Philemon Tanggal: 06/09/2020 Ringkasan: The Church is built by Jesus Christ. It is built on the teaching of Apostles and Prophets. Apostles- The disciples of Jesus who saw Him. Was taught by Him and was personally sent by Jesus to teach the Gospel. Prophets- A person chosen to speak for God and …

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06/09/2020 – RE : Obey GOD even when it is Hard

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Primary 1-2

Tanggal: 06/09/2020 Activity: CROSS Word & Games Bahan Tambahan: Sunday_School_Activity_06Sept2020.jpegReady-to-play-some-games.pdfSamuel_-God-Chooses-a-King-Crossword-_-Sermons4Kids.pdf Guru: Cahyadi

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06/09/2020 – Obey God even when it is hard

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: I Sam 13 : 1 – 14 Tanggal: 06/09/2020 Ringkasan: ini ringkasan hari ini : Minggu pertama Sept (06 Sept 2020) Nast : 1 Sam 13:1-14 Tema : Obey God even when it is hard Melanjut dari cerita minggu lalu mengenai Gideon (Zaman Hakim-hakim). Setelah Zaman hakim-hakim, maka bangsa Israel meminta seorang raja. …

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06/09/2020 – God Takes Care of Moses

Kelas Kindy (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 1:6-2:10 Tanggal: 06/09/2020 Ringkasan: – Allah memberi janji kepada Abraham, keturunan Abraham akan menjadi bangsa yang besar dan menjadi bangsa pilihan Allah. – Allah mengulangi janjiNya kepada Ishak dan Yakub dan melalui Yakub, menjadi bangsa yang besar, bangsa Israel. – Pada jaman Yakub, terjadi kelaparan yang besar di tanah Kanaan, sehingga Yakub …

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06/09/2020 – God Takes Care Moses

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Kindy

Tanggal: 06/09/2020 Activity: (The translation) Dear parents. There are 2 activities for tomorrow. The first is “story sequencing”. Hint on Sequencing: 1. Israelites lived as slaves… 2. Moses’ mother hid him… 3. Moses’ sister… 4. Pharaoh’s daughter… 5. Moses’ sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter… 6. Pharaoh’s daughter had Moses’ sister find… 7. Moses… The second is …

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06/09/2020 – God Takes Care of Moses

Kelas Kecil (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 1:6-2:10 Tanggal: 06/09/2020 Ringkasan: God has promised Abraham that, from his son, there will be a great nation. However, in today’s story we see that Israelites were suffering under Pharaoh in Egypt. Pharaoh was worried that Israel will defeat Egypt in future because Israelites has grown stronger and bigger in number. Therefore, …

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06/09/2020 – God Our Redeemer and Law Giver

Activity – SM Pagi Kelas Besar

Tanggal: 06/09/2020 Activity: https://kahoot.it/challenge/05960950 Guru: Liana Liep

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06/09/2020 – God is our redeemer and law-giver

Kelas Besar (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 19 Tanggal: 06/09/2020 Ringkasan: When Israelites was slaved by Egyptians, they are helpless to fight against Egyptians to free themselves. But with His love saved them. After saving them, God gave them His laws so that Israelites can be sacred (special) compare to other nations as they are God’s treasured possession. God …

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06/09/2020 – God Created the World

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 1:1-24, 2:4-14 Tanggal: 06/09/2020 Ringkasan: Lesson aim: • To know that God made everything • To be grateful for God’s creation • To take care of God’s creation Bible truths: • God creates out of nothingness by His Word • God’s creation is different from what human can make • There’s God’s …

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