08/08/2021 – Jonah

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Toddler

Tanggal: 08/08/2021 Activity: Bahan/alat yang diperlukan: 1. Printer 2. Gunting 3. Lem atau double tape 4. 2 Kertas A4 Persiapan oleh Orang Tua : 1. Print gambar yg disediakan 2. Gunting 4 gambar, judul dan ayat hafalan di halaman 2 Aktivitas anak (dibantu orang tua) : 1. Tempelkan 4 gambar sesuai dengan cerita Jonah 2. …

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08/08/2021 – Barnabas show Jesus love by sharing

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Kindy

Tanggal: 08/08/2021 Activity: Cetak dan warnai file terlampir. Hafalkan ayat hafalan. Please print and color the file attached. Memorize the memory verse. Bahan Tambahan: Barnabas-show-Jesus-love-by-sharing-to-color.pdf Guru: Melissa

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08/08/2021 – Priscilla and Aquila crossword

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Primary 3-4

Tanggal: 08/08/2021 Activity: Dear Parents, Kindly assist children to print crossword for their activity. Thank you. Bahan Tambahan: Priskilla-and-Awkilla-Crossword_Part1.pdf Guru: Agnes Chu

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08/08/2021 – Jonah

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Jonah 1-4 Tanggal: 08/08/2021 Ringkasan: Lesson Aim : To know that God is always near us and when we sin we can pray to Him Bible Truth : – God gave Jonnah the command, “Go”. – Jonah refused and ran away. – God saved Jonah. – Jonah obeyed God. – God love His …

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01/08/2021 – Trusting God in prayer

Kelas Kindy (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 12:1-17 Tanggal: 01/08/2021 Ringkasan: King Herod was harassing the christians because he wanted everyone to praise and serve him, not God. He ordered to put James to death, and arrested Peter and put him in prison. Peter was guarded heavily in prison, but still remembered and praise Lord during his difficult times, …

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01/08/2021 – Don’t take what belongs to others

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 20:15, Luke 19:1-10 Tanggal: 01/08/2021 Ringkasan: Zaccheus is leader of tax collector. He didnt get any salary, but he take whats not belong to him. His job require him to take money for Romans tax but he take much more than whats required. Its like stealing. We dont like it if our …

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01/08/2021 – Zaccheus – You shall not steal

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Primary 1-2

Tanggal: 01/08/2021 Activity: 1. We played games “What’s Missing” during the zoom class. 2. These 2 activities (Colouring & Break The Code) to be printed out. Need to be completed after the Sunday School class. Bahan Tambahan: Zacchaeus.pdfZacchaeus_Answer.pdfZacchaeus_DoNotSteal.pdf Guru: Esther

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01/08/2021 – Trusting God in Prayer

Kelas Nursery (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 12:1-17 Tanggal: 01/08/2021 Ringkasan: Introduction: What is prayer? 1. Prayer is praising God. 2. Prayer is giving thanks for all God’s blessings. 3. Prayer is asking God for the things God’s promised. Will God answer our prayer? Sometimes “Yes”, at other times “No” or “Wait”. God knows what is best for us. …

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01/08/2021 – Print this_Final David and Goliath

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Toddler

Tanggal: 01/08/2021 Activity: David yang meskipun kecil dapat mengalahkan Goliath yang besar hanya dengan menggunakan ketapel dan 5 buah batu. Itu semua bukan karena kehebatan David semata, namun karena David memiliki Allah yang lebih besar dari semuanya, Allah yang menciptakan dunia. Allah menyertai David di dalam peperangan melawan Goliath. Sehingga David dapat menang melawan Goliath …

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01/08/2021 – David and Goliath

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: 1 Samuel 17 Tanggal: 01/08/2021 Ringkasan: Bible Truth : – God used David to kill Goliath and save his people. – David’s help was from God. – God is strong and mighty. Lesson Aim : To learn that God is mighty and he is our help. Ayat Hafalan: Psalm 150:6 Let everything that …

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