31/10/2021 – God chose Jacob to be in His family

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 24;25;20-34 and Genesis 27:1-45 Tanggal: 31/10/2021 Ringkasan: Sunday School – God Chose Jacob to Be in His Family. Genesis 24; 25:20-34 Genesis 27:1-45 Bible Truth: The members of Isaac’s family schemed and lied to get what they wanted. But God worked his purposes in their family in spite of their sin. To …

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31/10/2021 – Sin Spoiled God’s Perfect World

Kelas Kindy (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 3 Tanggal: 31/10/2021 Ringkasan: Adam and Eve lived in garden of Eden that God provided for them. God told them that they could eat fruit from any tree in the garden, except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit from …

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31/10/2021 – God Chose Jacob

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 25:19-34 Tanggal: 31/10/2021 Ringkasan: Allah memberikan 2 anak, Esau dan Jacob, kepada Isaac dan Rebekah. Allah memilih Jacob untuk melanjutkan garis perjanjianNya. Esau tidak menghargai janji Tuhan dan menjual hak anak sulungnya demi semangkuk sop kacang merah. Lesson aims: To learn that God always keeps His promises. To learn to appreciate and …

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31/10/2021 – Sin spoiled God’s Perfect World

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Nursery

Tanggal: 31/10/2021 Activity: Menggunting, menempel & mewarnai Bahan Tambahan: Sunday-School-31-Oct21-Activity-1.pdfSunday-School-31-Oct-2021-Activity-2.pdf Guru: Sumawati Agus Kandijani

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31/10/2021 – God Chose Jacob

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Toddler

Tanggal: 31/10/2021 Activity: Terlampir dalam PDF dibawah ini. Bahan Tambahan: Activity-31-Oct.pdf Guru: Leonita

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24/10/2021 – We Listen to God’s Word

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Primary 3-4

Tanggal: 24/10/2021 Activity: Dear Parents, Kindly help children to print this activity. Bahan Tambahan: the_lost_book.pdf Guru: Agnes Chu

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24/10/2021 – God covenant of life

Kelas Kindy (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Kej 2:8-17 Tanggal: 24/10/2021 Ringkasan: Tuhan mencipta langit dan bumi dengan Firman, perkataanNya. Adam Dan hawa diciptakan menurut peta Dan teladan Tuhan. Tuhan sayang kepada mereka, memberikan janji Yang special, memberikan covenant. Tuhan memberi makan kepada mereka. Juga akan menghukum kalau kita melanggar Tuhan mau kita trust and obey. Kadang kita tidak tahu …

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24/10/2021 – Adam and Eve

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Nursery

Tanggal: 24/10/2021 Activity: Cutting, Coloring and Paste Bahan Tambahan: Activity-24-10-2021.pdf Guru: Wani

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24/10/2021 – God Gave Isaac a Wife

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Toddler

Tanggal: 24/10/2021 Activity: Terlampir dalam PDF dibawah ini. Bahan Tambahan: Activity-24-Oct-2.pdf Guru: Leonita

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24/10/2021 – God Gave Isaac a Wife

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Toddler

Tanggal: 24/10/2021 Activity: Terlampir dalam PDF dibawah ini. Bahan Tambahan: Activity-24-Oct-1.pdf Guru: Leonita

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