Bahan Alkitab: Acts 8:1-8,26-40

Tanggal: 18/04/2021


Tema: Depending on God’s Spirit to spread the Gospel
Bahan: Acts 8:1-8,26-40

Point pengajaran: 
1. To recognize that God has prepared the hearts of a wide variety of people in different places to hear and believe the gospel.
2. To trust God’s Spirit to direct us to the people he wants us to share the good news with.
3. To ask God to enable us to share the gospel with people who axe different from us.
Philip teach the Scripture to Ethiopian official in the middle of desert. God has plan for him to spread the Gospel in Africa.

God is in control of all that happens in our lives. God prepares the hearts of those he has called to receive his Word, and God gives us opportunities to share the good news about Jesus and plant the seed of the gospel.
Sometimes he calls us to witness to others who are different from us. This is part of God’s wonderful plan to draw people from every nation and tribe into his growing church.
Everyone who has experienced God’s grace and forgiveness will be given opportunities to obey Christ’s com­mand to tell others the good news. Christ’s Spirit is with us always and he gives us the power and courage we need to spread God’s kingdom far and wide.

Ayat Hafalan:

Acts 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth
