24/01/2021 – Water Into Wine

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Yohanes 2 :1-11 Tanggal: 24/01/2021 Ringkasan: Bible Truth : 1. Jesus showed his power as God’s Son 2. Jesus changed water to wine Lesson Aim : 1. To trust Jesus because he is God’s Son 2. His disciples put their faith in Him 3. Put our faith in Christ Ayat Hafalan: Acts 9:20B …

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17/01/2021 – Jesus’ Baptism

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 3:13-17 ; John 1:29-34 Tanggal: 17/01/2021 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: – John told the people to turn away from sin – John baptized people with water but water can not cleanse our sin – John also baptized Jesus – Jesus never sin – God was pleased with Jesus Lesson Aim: – Jesus is …

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10/01/2021 – Jesus in The Temple

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 2:40-52 Tanggal: 10/01/2021 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: – Jesus at 12 years old showed he is the Son of God and man – Jesus listened to the word of God. He also asked & answered questions in the Temple – Jesus knew so much about God and God’s Word, the Bible – Jesus …

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03/01/2021 – Simeon and Anna

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Lukas 2:21-40 Tanggal: 03/01/2021 Ringkasan: Lesson Aim : To know that Jesus is the promised Savior Bible Truth : – Mary and Joseph presented Jesus to God – Simeon and Anna praised God for sending Jesus, the Savior – Jesus was the Promised One whom God’s people had waited and hoped for Ayat …

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27/12/2020 – Gifts for The King

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 2:1-12 Tanggal: 27/12/2020 Ringkasan: The wise men worshiped Jesus, the Saviour and promised King and presented Him with special gifts. Gold (Gift for a king), Frankincense (gift for a priest) and Myrrh (gift for one who would die). Praise and Thank GOD for sending Jesus, and to offer HIM our heart. Ayat …

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20/12/2020 – A Savior is born

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 2:1-20 Tanggal: 20/12/2020 Ringkasan: Christmas, artinya Kristus telah datang ke dalam dunia. Bayi Yesus yang sudah dijanjikan di PerjanjianLama, datang kedalam dunia, menjadi sukacita bagi semua umat. Christmas bukan tentang perayaan, pohon natal, hadiah atau pesta, melainkan tentang Palungan, Tuhan Yesus datang dalam kesederhanaan, menepati janji untuk menyelamatkan manusia. Malaikat datang kepada …

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13/12/2020 – The coming of Jesus

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 1:26-56 Tanggal: 13/12/2020 Ringkasan: * We are sinner before God and shall be punished by God. But God loves us and given us His only begotten Son to save us. * Maria, is a chosen woman, to be the mother of Jesus Christ. She trust and obey God and be blessed by …

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06/12/2020 – Getting ready for the Son of God

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 1:1-25;57-80; Mark 1:1-8 Tanggal: 06/12/2020 Ringkasan: * God prepare His coming Son by sending His messenger, John, to get the heart of Israel people to be ready * John’s tasks was to tell Israelites to admit their sin and return to God and be baptized by water. And John will witness who …

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06/12/2020 – Getting ready for the Son of God

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 1:1-25;57-80; Mark 1:1-8 Tanggal: 06/12/2020 Ringkasan: * God prepare His coming Son by sending His messenger, John, to get the heart of Israel people to be ready * John’s tasks was to tell Israelites to admit their sin and return to God and be baptized by water. And John will witness who …

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29/11/2020 – God’s Promises Give Hope

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Isaiah 40:25-31 ; Romans 5:6-8 Tanggal: 29/11/2020 Ringkasan: Bible Truth: – God promised Jesus. – Jesus came as God promised. Lesson Aim: To know that – Jesus is The Son of God, Jesus obeyed God, His Father all the time. – We are all sinners, Jesus never sinned. – Jesus loves us. – …

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