02/08/2020 – God’s Sovereignty

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Roma 9-11 Tanggal: 02/08/2020 Ringkasan: What is Sovereign-unlimited power or independent. Singapore is a sovereign nation governed by Singapore people or Singapore Government. They have their own Laws. For example if we are caught bringing a certain amount of herroine into Singapore ,the punishment is death.this may not be the law in other …

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06/02/2020 – Review of Justification and Sanctification

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Primary 5-6, Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: 2 Cor 7:1; 1Cor 1:30; 1 Thess 5:23; 1Cor 6:11; Rom 15;16; 2 Thess 2:13; 1Pet 1:2 Tanggal: 06/02/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p56 Ringkasan: Sanctification is a lifetime process is to be set apart or make holy before God. Ayat Hafalan: 1 Cor 6:11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but …

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19/07/2020 – Justification

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Romans 4 Tanggal: 19/07/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p56 Ringkasan: Redemption, Atonement, Propitiation, Expiation Ayat Hafalan: Romans 4:3 Bahan Tambahan: Romans 4 Text – Guy Watch.pdfRomans 4 Final – Guy Watch.pdf Sent via Document Studio.

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12/07/2020 – God’s Wrath Against Sin

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Romans 1-3 Tanggal: 12/07/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p56 Ringkasan: See attached Ayat Hafalan: Romans 1:16; 3:23 Bahan Tambahan: Winter 2010 Acts To Romans – Lesson 6 God’s Wrath Against Sin – Calin Wan.pdf Sent via Document Studio.

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05/07/2020 – God sent Paul to Rome

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 21-28, Romans 1:16,17, Romans 5:3 Tanggal: 05/07/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p56 Ringkasan: God sent Paul to Rome Acts 21-28 Image 1 ( time line ) Historical facts. Jesus was crucified, died, resurrected on the third day. After that for another 40 days He was with his disciples to be with them in bodily form …

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06/02/2020 – Paul’s three missionary journeys.

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 13-21 Tanggal: 06/02/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p56 Ringkasan: The importance and significance of Holy Spirit in Paul's three missionary journeys Ayat Hafalan: Romans 1:16 Bahan Tambahan: this one-compressed (1) – Sandra Kurniawan.pdfthis one script – Sandra Kurniawan.pdf Sent via Document Studio.

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28/06/2020 – Paul’s first, second and third missionary journeys

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 13-21 Tanggal: 28/06/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p56 Ringkasan: The Holy Spirit significance and importance in Paul's 3 missionary journeys. Ayat Hafalan: Romans 1:16 Bahan Tambahan: Paul 3 missionary journey – Sandra Kurniawan.pdf Sent via Document Studio.

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21/06/2020 – Christ Saved Many Jews and Gentiles

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 8-12 Tanggal: 21/06/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p56 Ringkasan: See attached Ayat Hafalan: Romans 5:1 Bahan Tambahan: Winter 2010 Acts To Romans – Lesson 3 Christ Saved Many Jews and Gentiles – Calin Wan.pdf Sent via Document Studio.

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14/06/2020 – The Holy Spirit empowers Stephen

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 6-7 Tanggal: 14/06/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p56 Ringkasan: Please see attached Ayat Hafalan: Romans 1:17 Bahan Tambahan: text – Josephine Kamil.pdf Sent via Document Studio.

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07/06/2020 – Jesus Ascended and Poured Out the Holy Spirit

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 1-5 Tanggal: 07/06/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p56 Ringkasan: After Jesus returned to his Father in heaven, he kept his promise to send the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. God expanded his Church in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and beyond. Ayat Hafalan: …

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