17/05/2020 – John Knox Part 3

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 5:10-11; Acts 14:19-20 Tanggal: 17/05/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p34 Ringkasan: See file at bahan tambahan Ayat Hafalan: Matthew 5:10 Bahan Tambahan: 2020 May 17 John Knox (part 3) – Story Notes – Linda Lioe.docx Sent via Document Studio.

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10/05/2020 – John Knox – The Sharpened Sword

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Chapter 5-8 Tanggal: 10/05/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p34 Ringkasan: John Knox obeyed God’s Word when he was called to minister to the people at St Andrews who needed to listen to sound doctrine. He did not give up his faith in God even though he faced many threats and uncertainties along the way because he …

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03/05/2020 – John Knox week 1

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: John Knox the Sharpened Sword Tanggal: 03/05/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p34 Ringkasan: What we could learn from John Knox’s early years: 1. The challenges that were there during John’s growing and the young John were similar to what we are facing: Physical well-being and False teaching/ faith / world-view. 2. Keep the faith and trust …

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26/04/2020 – Jesus Gave The Promised Holy Spirit

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 2:1-47 Tanggal: 26/04/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p34 Ringkasan: Points of Learning: I. Cognitive: On Pentecost, Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to be God’s witnesses and to spread the gospel. The Lord built His church (His Kingdom) as many were led to believe in Christ. Affective: Children are grateful because God gave Holy Spirit to …

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19/04/2020 – Jesus sent His disciples out

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 28; Luke 24; Acts 1 Tanggal: 19/04/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p34 Ringkasan: See attached file Ayat Hafalan: Acts 1:8 Bahan Tambahan: 2020 Apr 19 Jesus sent his diciples out – Story Notes – Linda Lioe.docx Sent via Document Studio for Google Sheets.

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12/04/2020 – Jesus Rose from the Dead

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 28:2-4, Mark 16:1-7, Luke 24:33-45, John 20:1-18 Tanggal: 12/04/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p34 Ringkasan: Bible Truth:As foretold in the Scriptures, the Lord Jesus rose from the dead, breaking the power of sin and death. His followers were overjoyed when Jesus revealed Himself as their risen Lord. Lesson Focus:• To acknowledge that Jesus rose from …

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10/04/2020 – Jesus Died: My Kingdom is not of the world

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 21 – 27; John 18 -19 Tanggal: 10/04/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p34 Ringkasan: 1. The world seems to be progressing well but actually it will pass away. Therefore, there is no reason for us to boast instead we should learn to be humble and hope for the eternal Kingdom of God. 2. Jesus died …

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05/04/2020 – Jesus Foretells Peter’s Denial

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Mat 26:30-35,69-75; Mark 14:66-72; Luk 22:54-62; John 13,18:25-27 Tanggal: 05/04/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p34 Ringkasan: Points of Learning: I. Cognitive: Peter wanted to show his greatness n love to God by going to prison or died for God but later failed. We learn to be careful of seeking self-greatness. Affective: We need to pray and …

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