05/04/2020 – Jesus is Arrested

Kelas Kindy (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 22:39-53 Tanggal: 05/04/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-kindy Ringkasan: LESSON FOCUS: Jesus chose to obey the will of his Father so that we could be forgiven After the Passover meal was over, Jesus went out to the Mount of Olives and His disciples followed Him. When they reached the garden, Jesus asked His disciples to pray …

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05/04/2020 – Jesus is Arrested

Kelas Nursery (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 22:39-53 Tanggal: 05/04/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-nursery Ringkasan: • Yesus merasa penderitaan yang akan dialami-Nya sangat sulit maka Dia berdoa memohon kepada Allah Bapa untuk melepaskan dari pencobaan ini. • Namun Yesus percaya akan rencana Allah dan taat sepenuhnya akan kehendak Bapa-Nya. • Yesus adalah Anak Allah yang memiliki kuasa sehingga Dia tidak mungkin bisa …

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05/04/2020 – Petrus menyangkal Yesus

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: John 13 & 18 Tanggal: 05/04/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p12 Ringkasan: beberapa bagian dari Alkitab yg tentu tidak asing lagi bagi kita yaitu bagian Petrus menyangkal Yesus di malam Yesus di tangkap dan Petrus menyangkali Yesus 3 kali sebelum ayam berkokok. kali ini kita akan memandang dari sudut Kerajaan Allah VS Kerajaan dunia. Beberapa point …

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05/04/2020 – Jesus is arrested

Kelas Kecil (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 22 : 39-53 Tanggal: 05/04/2020 Kategori: sm-pagi-kelas-kecil Ringkasan: Lesson focus Jesus chose to obey the will of his Father so that we could be forgiven. Bible story After the last supper, Jesus and his 11 disciples took a walk to Mount Olives. Jesus wanted to spend time to pray to his Father. When …

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05/04/2020 – Jesus’ Last Days on Earth

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Tanggal: 05/04/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p56 Ringkasan: We need to be cleansed and forgiven of our sin; only Jesus can do it Ayat Hafalan: John 14:6 Bahan Tambahan: P5-6 Lesson 10 – Guy Watch.pdf Sent via Document Studio for Google Sheets.

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05/04/2020 – Jesus Foretells Peter’s Denial

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Mat 26:30-35,69-75; Mark 14:66-72; Luk 22:54-62; John 13,18:25-27 Tanggal: 05/04/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p34 Ringkasan: Points of Learning: I. Cognitive: Peter wanted to show his greatness n love to God by going to prison or died for God but later failed. We learn to be careful of seeking self-greatness. Affective: We need to pray and …

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05/04/2020 – Peter Denied Jesus

Kelas Besar (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 26; John 16. 18, 21 Tanggal: 05/04/2020 Kategori: sm-pagi-kelas-besar Ringkasan: God’s creation was good but when sin enter the world all the creations lost it’s original function and purposes, it includes man. This sin has impacted the mind, heart and will of man. If a machine is spoiled, we can asked mechanic to …

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05/04/2020 – The Triumphal Entry

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Lukas 19:28-40 Tanggal: 05/04/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-toddler Tujuan pembelajaran: • Anak-anak mengenal Yesus sebagai Raja. • Perbedaan Yesus dari raja-raja yang lainnya. • Anak-anak percaya pada Yesus yang adalah Raja mereka, mau taat dan memuji Tuhan. Ringkasan Cerita: • Yesus masuk ke Yerusalem dengan menaiki keledai. • Orang banyak berkumpul dan bersorak “Hosana Hosana” …

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