14/03/2021 – Jesus says, “Serve others”

Activity - SM Pagi Kelas Kecil

Tanggal: 14/03/2021 Activity: 1. Children to circle pictures that show serving others by being kind. 2. After that they can cut out the pictures of the 2 feet and the wooden pail. 3. Then they can paste the 2 feet on the wooden pail to show how Jesus washes his disciples’ feet. Bahan Tambahan: Sunday-School-14th-March.pdf …

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14/03/2021 – Good and Bad

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Nursery

Tanggal: 14/03/2021 Activity: Cut, Coloring and Pasting to the correct side. Good behavior on the right, bad behavior on the left Bahan Tambahan: Good-and-Bad.pdf Guru: Indrajati

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07/03/2021 – Lazarus is Raised from the Dead

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: (John 11:1- 44) Tanggal: 07/03/2021 Ringkasan: Menjelang Jumat Agung, kita akan melihat 1 mujizat besar yang di lakukan oleh Yesus beberapa hari sebelum Dia di salibkan. Dia membangkitkan Lazarus yang sudah meninggal 4 hari. Yesus mendapat kabar bahwa Lazarus, saudara (abang) dari Martha dan Maria sedang sakit keras, dan saat itu Yesus berada …

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14/03/2021 – Word Search: Mary honoured Jesus

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Primary 3-4

Tanggal: 14/03/2021 Activity: Instruction: Locate the given words in the grid, running in one of eight possible directions horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Bahan Tambahan: 04_mary_honored_jesus_word_search-1-1.pdf Guru: Agnes Chu

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07/03/2021 – Jesus Raises Lazarus

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: John 11:1-44 Tanggal: 07/03/2021 Ringkasan: Jesus Raises Lazarus John 11:1-44 Lazarus was the brother of Mary and Martha who lived in a village called Bethany. Jesus first visited Mary and Martha after his transfiguration. Remember the story that Martha was so busy serving and Mary sat quietly listening to Jesus’s teaching and then …

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07/03/2021 – Zacchaeus

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 19:1-10 Tanggal: 07/03/2021 Ringkasan: Sin/dosa berasal dari kata “Hamartia” yang berarti missing the mark/ salah sasaran. Semua orang berdosa tapi hanya Tuhan yang bisa memaafkan dosa kita dan merubah hati manusia. Tuhan Yesus datang ke dunia untuk menyelamatkan orang yang berdosa. Hati yang berubah karena pertobatan terlihat dari perilaku yang berubah juga …

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07/03/2021 – Jesus says “Forgive others”

Kelas Nursery (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 18:21-35 Tanggal: 07/03/2021 Ringkasan: Ada kakak beradik yang Namanya Sally dan Sam. Sally sedang main lego, bangun rumahnya pelan-pelan, sampai rumahnya jadi tinggi. Lalu adiknya Sam datang dan langsung dorong rumah yang sudah jadi. Sally marah dan sedih, kira-kira apa yang Sally lakukan? Sally mungkin balas dendam dan dorong adiknya, lalu adiknya …

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07/03/2021 – Jesus Raises Lazarus

Kelas Besar (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: John 11:1-53 Tanggal: 07/03/2021 Ringkasan: After Jesus heard that Lazarus was ill, Jesus stayed 2 days more before going to Bethany. He knew Lazarus would die and He was going to raise Lazarus up. Thru this miracle Jesus wants: 1. To tell the disciples and Israelites that He is God and He was …

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07/03/2021 – Jesus says, “Forgive Others”

Kelas Kindy (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 5:9-12; 6:12; 18:21-35 Tanggal: 07/03/2021 Ringkasan: One day Peter came to Jesus and ask: Lord, how many times should I forgive someone who sins against me? 7 times? Jesus replied: not 7 times, but 77 times. Then Jesus told a story to help his disciples understand that they have to keep forgiving. …

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07/03/2021 – Jesus Says, “Forgive Others”

Kelas Kecil (Pagi)

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 18:21-35 Tanggal: 07/03/2021 Ringkasan: Lesson Focus: Since God forgives us, we must forgive one another. Lesson Aim: Children learn what it means to forgive others. To forgive means to give our love to others who hurt us. Children learn that forgiveness is not cheap. There is a price that must be paid …

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