27/06/2021 – Serving the Lord with Courage

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Nursery

Tanggal: 27/06/2021 Activity: We can serve God because of God’s grace – The Holy Spirit enables us to do so. Colour the page, cut the template and tie the hands with a ribbon. Kindly refer to the instruction video for more details. Bahan Tambahan: Serving-the-Lord-with-Courage.pdfServing-the-Lord-with-Courage_Instruction-Video.mp4 Guru: Anastasia

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27/06/2021 – 3rd Commandment Additionals

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Primary 1-2

Tanggal: 27/06/2021 Activity: There are 3 activities: 1. Crosswords about God’s names 2. Word puzzle from Psalm 8 3. Origami containing the 10 Commandments Bahan Tambahan: Sunday-School-P1-P2-Activities-2021-06-27-Answer.pdfSunday-School-P1-P2-Activities-2021-06-27.pdf Guru: Theo Ariandi

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20/06/2021 – Worship God in His way

Kelas Primary 1-2 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: EXO 20 : 4 – 6; EXO 32 : 1 – 20; 34 : 1 – 11 Tanggal: 20/06/2021 Ringkasan: Meneruskan Perintah Pertama yaitu jangan ada Allah di hadapan-Ku. Sekarang kita akan membahas Perintah Kedua yaitu “Jangan membuat bagimu patung yang menyerupai apapun yang ada di langit di atas, atau yang ada di …

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20/06/2021 – Building God’s Church

Kelas Nursery (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 2:42-3:26 Tanggal: 20/06/2021 Ringkasan: • Setelah hari Pentakosta, banyak orang percaya kepada Yesus Kristus oleh pekerjaan Roh Kudus dan terbentuklah gereja yang pertama. Gereja zaman mula-mula tidak berupa gedung gereja seperti yang kita punya sekarang. Biasanya murid-murid berkumpul di rumah masing-masing secara bergiliran. Apa yang dilakukan? 1. Berdoa 2. Mendengar Firman Tuhan …

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20/06/2021 – Abigail: Smart and Bold

Kelas Primary 3-4 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: 1 Samuel 25; Romans 12:17 Tanggal: 20/06/2021 Ringkasan: David sent 10 of his young men to Nabal during Sheep Shearing Festival to ask for some favor since they have never harm Nabal’s shepherd and have been good to them. Nabal not only rejected David’s request but in an insulting manner which made David …

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20/06/2021 – Moses at the Red Sea

Kelas Toddler (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 3:1-12, Exodus 13:17-15:21 Tanggal: 20/06/2021 Ringkasan: Lesson aim: to know that God saves his people and God listens to our prayer Tuhan telah berjanji kepada Musa untuk membawa bangsa Israel keluar dari perbudakan di Mesir dan menunjuk Musa sebagai pemimpin dari bangsa Israel. Ia memimpin mereka keluar dari Mesir melalui padang gurun, …

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20/06/2021 – God Created Man and Woman

Kelas Primary 5-6 (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 1:20-2:25; Isaiah 45:5 Tanggal: 20/06/2021 Ringkasan: For the past two weeks, children have learnt the following: 1. Bible is the word of God, God-breathed and it points to Christ 2. From the Bible we know how all things came about. God created everything out of nothing. God created the universe and everything …

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20/06/2021 – Moses at the Red Sea

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Toddler

Tanggal: 20/06/2021 Activity: Bahan yang dibutuhkan: 1. Kertas A4 2. Kertas warna biru A4 (kalau ada) 3. Printer 4. Gunting 5. Lem atau double tape Bahan Tambahan: Moses-at-the-Red-Sea.pdf Guru: Maureen

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20/06/2021 – Building God’s Church

Activity – SM Sore Kelas Nursery

Tanggal: 20/06/2021 Activity: We go to church because God wants his people to gather together to sing his praises and learn from his Word, the Bible. In this activity, the children will be involved in: 1. Colouring the page and drawing children/people singing inside the church to praise Him 2. We’ll need parents’ help to …

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20/06/2021 – Building God’s church

Kelas Kindy (Sore)

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 2:42-3:26 Tanggal: 20/06/2021 Ringkasan: Ketika Roh Kudus diberikan, murid2 diberikan kekuatan. Bukan untuk membully tapi untuk mengikut Tuhan. Roh Kudus mengingatkan kita untuk terus trust and obey Jesus. Power yg diberikan juga untuk membangun Gereja dimana orang2 yg percaya Yesus boleh berteman, boleh membantu, boleh saling menguatkan. Roh Kudus membantu kita membaca …

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