Bahan Alkitab: Acts 6:1-7 / Kisah Para Rasul 6: 1-7

Tanggal: 04/07/2021


Church has many part and function.
It is like a body. Where different parts has different function.
In GRII, we have
2. TEACHING/ pengajaran
3. FELLOWSHIP/penggembalaan
4. WORSHIP/ibadah
More people came to the church and therefore the need for servant of Lord also increase.
Servant of Lord is someone who serving the Lord by serving the people and If God call us to serve Him,
we want to say : Yes My Lord.
It is joy to be used by God.
But how can we, if we still a little children. Yes you can, by studying God’s word and pray to God , please use me as your channel of blessings even when i m still little and when i ‘m grown up
If no one want to serve in the church, there will be a mess and disorganized like today’s bible story from Act 6:1-7
Since Apostle has been busy in preaching the gospel, so they overlook the food distribution to the widow, until the issues being raised and then they found a way to solve the issue by appointing 7 person which has full of Holy Spirit, full of wisdom and has a good reputation. These men, will help apostle in serving the widow.
After that all were very happy because widows are no longer hungry and disciple were multiplied and some priest became believer too.
Church has great works to do and so we need more people to serve the Lord. Let’s prepare it from now. Be ready and study your Bible so you can be used by God in this church GRII.

Ayat Hafalan:

Galatia 5:13
Through Love serve one another
