Bahan Alkitab: Acts 1:11; 2:1-41

Tanggal: 13/06/2021


Lesson focus:
Thank God for sending the Holy Spirit so that we can love and serve Him.

Bible story:
After Jesus was crucified, he died and rose from the dead. Jesus appears to his disciples and some other people. Jesus told them to go to Jerusalem and wait there because Jesus is going to give them a special gift, the holy spirit. The holy spirit is God.

The disciples obeyed what Jesus told them so they walked back to Jerusalem and waited there. They found a quiet place to gather and pray. As they were praying, all of sudden they heard a sound, it sounded like a huge rushing wind. Then suddenly, small flames of fire appeared on their heads. God kept his promise and he sent the holy spirit to them.

The Holy Spirit had empowered them that they had never been able to do before. Now they were talking in different languages! The Jews from all over the country who came heard the sound and started to gather around. Thousands of people listened as the disciples told them about why Jesus came to this world and all the wonderful things that Jesus had done in a language that they can understand.

Peter, who filled with the Holy Spirit, preached bravely about Jesus as the savior. The people are sorry for their sin, they repent and ask God to forgive them. That day many people believed in Jesus and received the holy spirit.

Peter and the disciples were not the only one who filled with the holy spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in all God’s children. The holy spirit comes to us to let us know that the only savior is Jesus Christ, no others. Christ who gives us forgiveness and eternal life.

Lesson Summary:
– The Holy Spirit is the one transforms our heart, makes our heart repent, guides us to love God, to leads us to
believe in God.
– The Holy Spirit gives us the power to follow and serve God. Like Peter and the disciples, the Holy spirit gave
them the power to obey God and to be brave preaching His Words.
– How do we know that we have Holy Spirit inside our heart? is when we trust and obey His Words. We want to
live to glorify Him and pleasing Him only.

Ayat Hafalan:

Acts 1:8a
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.
