Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 19:1-25; 20:1-2

Tanggal: 06/06/2021


Point pengajaran: 
After three months since Israelite had depart the land of Egypt, they had all been amazed as God rolled back the waters and made a way for them to cross over the Red Sea. Once on the other side, the families of Israel lifted their voices and thanked God for giving them freedom.
Moses was the leader of God’s people, the Israelites. Once on the other side of the Red Sea, however, the Israelites journeyed into the desert and began to grumble. Life in the desert was not what they expected, and they complained about the taste of the water and about the lack of food.
But God did not forget about Israel. He provided sweet­tasting water and good food, and he gave Moses wisdom and power to lead them on their journey to the new land. The families of Israel came to a flat place at the foot of Mount Sinai, where the people put up their tents. Moses went up the mountain to listen to what God had to say to him.
The Lord called to Moses from the mountain, and this is what he told his chosen leader to tell the Israelites:
God said he had carried the people on eagles’ wings and brought them to himself. He chose them to be his very own-his treasured possession. But they had to obey him and keep his covenant.
Moses went down the mountain and told everyone gathered below the words God had spoken, and Israel agreed to do every­thing the Lord said. Then God told Moses that the people were to get ready to receive God’s commandments. So Moses told the peo­ple to wash their clothes and prepare to listen to God, for on the third day God himself would come down on Mount Sinai in a thick cloud in the sight of all the people. Amid peals of thunder and flashing lightning, he announced himself in all his majesty. He introduced himself as the LORD, as Yahweh, the saving and liberating One who had led Israel out of the bondage of
God’s Ten Commandments are for us as well, and as we learn
them and think about them, we will discover that we cannot obey these good rules perfectly-even when we try very hard! Just like the people of Israel, we sin against God. But God has good news for us: The Lord Jesus perfectly obeyed every command. He never disobeyed. He never sinned. And he . took the punishment for sinners when he died on the cross. Now everyone who trusts in Jesus as Savior can be sure that his or her sins are forgiven. We can thank Jesus for his love and forgiveness, and ask him to help us obey God’s commands.

Ayat Hafalan:

Matthew 22:37-39
English Standard Version
37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment.
