Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 2:1-12

Tanggal: 27/12/2020


It was long ago when the true and the only King was born into the world. Normally, we all know that when we have a special event like birthday, baby born or anniversary we all will provide a good gift to those who celebrate the event.
But this day is not only special day it is more exception day in a human history. There were a wise men who knew that the real King was born and they follow the stars as a guidance and to lead them to where they can meet the King, praise, worship Him and bring all these special gifts to the King.
King Herod at that time heard that the wise men are looking for this baby born – who called Christ the Messiah, King of Jews. He is a King of all Kings who will be the savior of human being. Therefore, Herod told the Chief priests and teachers, the wise men when you find him, please let me know so that I may go and worship him also. Therefore, they left the King and the wonderful bright star appeared once more. It led them to Bethlehem and shone over the place where the child was born.
When they came to the place, they met the Child’s mother who is called Mary and the wise men present the gifts to baby Jesus a (gold is a symbol of Kingship on earth, frankincense is a symbol of deity and myrrh is used as anointing oil like perfume) these mighty gifts was present to a mighty King of Kings of Jesus Christ who was born into the world. After visiting Jesus, the wise men were warned into their dream not to go back to Herod and tell him where to find the Child. So, they went back to another way to their country in the East.
Therefore, this story has become a history that remain until today. As Christmas is really happened that the promised savior has came to earth. We need to really be thanking God for sending his Son, Jesus Christ to save his people from their sins by born into this sinful world and die on the cross. Like the wise men has given the best offering and we should praise Him and give Him the best by ask him to rule our heart and bring the best gift – to share the good news / gospel to those who haven’t heard about our Savior Jesus Christ. Because, whoever trust in Him will never go parish but will have eternal life.
Let this star led trip to Bethlehem story will remain in our heart always. What would be the best gift that we can offer to Jesus Christ our God on this Christmas. May we all pray in a heart deeply so God touch our heart so we can love Him more and give the best offering for Him.

Ayat Hafalan:

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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