Bahan Alkitab: Luke 2

Tanggal: 20/12/2020


Raja Roma, Kaisar Agustus memberi perintah “Semua orang harus kembali ke kota asal kalian karena saya akan menghitung jumlah orang di setiap kota.” Maka Yusuf membawa Maria yang sedang hamil dan sudah mau melahirkan waktu itu dari Nazaret mereka berjalan ke Bethlehem. Akhirnya sesudah perjalanan berhari2, mereka sampai di Bethlehem. Kota Bethlehem penuh dengan orang. Banyak orang yang balik untuk didaftarkan seperti perintah raja. Sekarang saatnya Maria sudah mau melahirkan. Tapi tidak ada tempat bagi mereka. Yusuf dan Maria mencari kamar di rumah penginapan tapi tidak ada kamar. Maka Maria melahirkan bayi Yesus dan membungkusnya dengan lampin dan dibaringkan di dalam palungan. Apa itu palungan? Bhs Inggrisnya manger. Manger is an animal feeding trough made from stone. Manger is the place where animals drink water and eat their food. Why baby Jesus must be born in a manger? It’s dirty, smelly. It’s a place for animal not for baby. Why Jesus wasn’t born in a beautiful palace? Can God who create the whole world create the most beautiful palace for Jesus to be born there? Yes, God can. But that was not God’s plan. Jesus come to this world not in glory, not in the most expensive clothes, not in the most beautiful place. Jesus chose to come from heaven into the world from the highest to the lowest. He who is king of kings came to the world and become a tiny baby, born and laid in the manger. Why? Because Jesus is humble, He left all His glory and came to the lowest dirtiest place to show that He loves us so much that one day He will give His life to die for us.

Waktu Yesus lahir, di Bethlehem sepi sunyi ga ada yang tahu bahwa Yesus, Juruselamat sudah lahir ke dalam dunia. Tapi di surga malaikat bersorak-sorai. Di daerah itu ada gembala2 yang sedang menjaga ternak mereka pada malam hari. Tiba-tiba berdirilah seorang malaikat Tuhan di dekat mereka dan kemuliaan Tuhan bersinar meliputi mereka. Para gembala sgt ketakutan. Malaikat berkata “Jgn takut, hari ini ada kabar gembira utk seluruh bangsa, telah lahir bagimu Juruselamat yaitu Kristus Tuhan di kota Daud. Inilah tandanya “Kamu akan menemukan seorg bayi dibungkus dengan lampin dan terbaring di palungan.” Para gembala masih terkejut mereka masih bingung, apa artinya ini? Tiba-tiba mereka melihat muncul banyak tentara surga yang memuji Allah “Kemuliaan bagi Allah di tempat yg maha tinggi dan damai sejahtera di bumi diantara manusia yang berkenan kepadaNya.”

Stlh itu malaikat2 pergi kembali ke sorga. Gembala2 cepat2 berangkat dan mereka menemukan Maria Yusuf dan bayi Yesus yg dibaringkan di atas palungan. Gembala2 mengatakan apa yg diberitahukan malaikat kepada mereka. Setelah itu, para gembala pulang kembali ke padang. Mereka memuji Tuhan karena segala yg mereka dengar dan mereka lihat. Semua seperti yg dikatakan malaikat kepada mereka.

Children, 5 more days we are going to celebrate Christmas. What do you like about Christmas, children? Some of you may say, I like when I can have Christmas present. I like to see so many beautiful Christmas decorations. I like to take photo with tall colorful Christmas tree. I’m sure all of us are happy to celebrate Christmas. But what should we like the most about Christmas? What is the most important reason that make us happy on Christmas? It’s because Christmas is the day Jesus was born. God came to this earth as a baby and one day Jesus would give His life to die on the cross to save us from our sins. This is the greatest gift God has given us. And this is the greatest joy of Christmas. We all are sinners, we have sins. Our heart is dirty. But just like the dirty manger where Jesus was born. Jesus also want to be born in our heart. Now teacher want to ask, have you received Jesus as your Savior in your heart? Who have received Jesus as your Savior? If yes, we praise God. We thank God for His has save us. We want to tell this good news to other people too. If you have not received Jesus as your Savior, today pray to God and ask Jesus to forgive my sins, clean my dirty heart and make it new, make it holy. I ask Jesus to be my Savior.

Ayat Hafalan:

Isaiah 9 : 6a
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.
