Bahan Alkitab: Acts 9:1-19

Tanggal: 23/05/2021


Saul was a Pharisee who captured and put Christian in prison.
God reveals Himself to him in his journey to Damascus and transforms him from a persecutor to be an apostle for the gentiles.
Despite studying the Old Testament and the Law, he did not know God personally until God came to him.
He was blinded by the light in the journey and healed by Ananias, once he regained his strength he proclaimed Jesus and showed that He is the Son of God in synagogue.
God used him further as we know that many books in the New Testament are written by Paul, such as Romans, Corinthian, Ephesians.

David Livingstone is one of the greatest missionaries of Africa.
Came from a poor family working in a cotton mill, he worked and studied hard and was able to enter medical school.
He then decided to be a missionary to spread the Gospel to people that have not heard it.
He left Europe and lived half of his life in Africa until he passed away.
Through his faithful work, a chief named Sechele was converted and later became a missionary too.

Both Paul and David see the beauty and worth of knowing Jesus Christ and therefore they go to different places as missionaries to preach about Jesus.
David never thinks that he has made sacrifice and Paul counted all the loss as rubbish in order to gain Christ.
God used Paul 2000 years ago and David 200 years ago, God can use us also.

Ayat Hafalan:

Philippians 3:8a
Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

Guru:Han Beng