Bahan Alkitab: Psalms 95:1-7a; 142; 150

Tanggal: 17/10/2021


Student learned that singing is very natural to human and singing empower human to express their emotion better.
There are various themes of songs and the author of the song has their purpose in creating them.
Several themes are happiness, sadness, praise, love, anger, education, and culture.
An example, the national anthem is to bring people together and give a sense of belonging.
Singing can convey meaning that is hard to be expressed otherwise.

Christian songs also have various themes.
Some songs directly praise God but there is also another type of song that speaks to the singer, such as the song Trust and Obey, and when singing it we are reminded by the lyrics of the song.

Students learned that Christians, even from the time of Moses have been praising God through singing.
King David himself and also appointed people for singing to the LORD in the house of the LORD.
God, through the letters of Paul, also instructs us to sing.

Students learned about the book of Psalms and some of the writers.
We look deeper into some Psalms, in particular, Psalms 142 when David was in the cave running away from Saul.
Psalms 18 when God delivered David from his enemies.
Also, Psalms 51 when David asked for God’s mercy due to his sin with Bathsheba.
We also look at Psalms 150, the closing chapter which is full of praise to the LORD.
Students learned that the Book of Psalms is a book of praise and prayer to guide us in our worship, provide help and comfort.

Ayat Hafalan:

Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Guru:Han Beng