Bahan Alkitab: Adoniram Judson

Tanggal: 16/05/2021


God led Adoniram to build a zayat, a place where locals normally rested and listened to Buddhist teachers’ preaching. Adoniram thought this was a good idea and he made it into a Christian zayat instead, where he would share the Gospel and worship. It was opened for anyone to come and listen to the Gospel. Many had come, some were out of curiosity, some were to check who this foreigner was but there was a humble man, Maung Naw who diligently came everyday to sincerely learn. God opened Maung Naw’s heart to accept Jesus and gave himself to be baptized, to be the first Christian in Myanmar.

On the decided date, Adoniram brought Maung Naw to a nearby pool, baptized him in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Adoniram prayed that Maung Naw would be followed by many more people in Myanmar to accept Jesus. He also prayed that God would protect the first Christian in Myanmar. After this first baptism, many came and some built temporary houses behind the Christian zayat so they could go there to visit Judson’s family and learn the word of God. God added the number of believers, there were another three men asked to be baptized. But some asked to be baptized at night, in fear of being caught, so Adoniram did. Adoniram really worried for their safety for being Christians.

Adoniram could not take it anymore so he planned to see Myanmar King in Ava. He wanted to ask for permission to share the Gospel freely in Myanmar. He prayed that God would open the way and protect him in this tough mission. Adoniram prepared a bible as a gift to give to the King. However, the King threw the bible that Adoniram brought and ignored his request to share Gospel freely in Myanmar. Adoniram was very disappointed and decided to go back home to America. He thought who would want to listen to the Good News that had been rejected by the King. But the local Christian pleaded him to stay and serve them until they grow in number. This request touched Adoniram’s heart and made him stay in Myanmar.

When Adoniram felt that everything seems to be not working, he was rejected by the King, then his wife was sick and had to fly back to America to get treated, God sent another missionary called Dr. Price. Dr. Price was a talented surgeon who treated sick men in Rangoon. Soon, this news reached the King and he wanted Dr. Price to see him. Adoniram went to accompany Dr. Price to see the King as his translator. Adoniram had never thought that he would be able to visit the palace again and see the King. Not only able to come and see the King, God opened an opportunity for Adoniram to share the Good News to the King.

God works in a way that we do not understand. We see that Adoniram faced many challenges in his ministry, such as opposition in religion and culture, health and safety. But Adoniram feared God more than man. He did not know the future, nor what was to come but he walked in faith in the LORD. We too can be used by God, whatever our talent is. We learn to be faithful with what entrusted to us so we can be used by God.

Ayat Hafalan:

Acts 13:47
I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.
